We are one – but what does integration actually mean?

How do we manage to connect all the different people with their various personalities, origins and cultures into one society? And, more specifically, how does collaboration in companies work? These questions directly concern us as Rhomberg Group and as an international organisation. And for us, we have already found first answers, the basis of which can be found in our mission statement.
We have added “humanity and appreciation“ as guidelines to our set of values. These values we want to live in our day-to-day life. And we count on our management to put these values into practice. This is a stable basis and gives us security.
Language as the key
Integration has many approaches and one of the most important ones is removing the language barrier. This year, Martin Häusle, Sector Manager Structural Engineering, has organised a German grammar course for 18 industrial employees and has so laid great foundations for this and filled our values with life. The advantages: Not only does collaboration get easier, but it also creates added social value for the participants.
Forming the future
Rhomberg counts on the younger generation, because they are tomorrow´s professionals. With help from the pupil scholarship programme “START“, we help young people with a migrant background to reach a higher educational standard. And in civil engineering the first apprentice, who has come to Austria as an unaccompanied minor, was trained. He took the chance with us to work and give something back to society – and was so highly motivated that he did an exceptional job. The young man has since then taken on a new challenge. The experience was enriching for both parties.
Piece of the puzzle-maker
In the internationalisation of the rail sector and the merger with the Sersa Group, a lot of tact, sensitivity and diplomacy was required for the integration of the different (work-)cultures into a common “us”. Creation of processes that provide good working conditions and support the new form of collaboration – and support us. Here is where we have learnt a lot for the whole group. Because we have understood change as a chance: We have gained valuable potential, alone with the number of employees that come from the most different language and cultural areas with international experience and knowledge about other markets. Formed into one team this provides high problem-solving competency and a strong spirit of innovation.