Just like the entire Rhomberg Group, Rhomberg Bau GmbH has achieved a great deal and left its mark in the form of stunning buildings throughout Vorarlberg and the rest of the world.

Rhomberg continues to focus on wood: with ZERO, the traditional family business now also offers turnkey sustainable building concepts to customers from industry and commerce. In the field of serial renovation with wood, Rhomberg Bau sets new standards together with the German housing company LEG Immobilien and founds Renowate. The EDGE Südkreuz Berlin, built with Rhomberg Bau participation, achieved the highest value in the history of DGNB certification and received the platinum award.
Vienna grows: Rhomberg Bau Wien, which has been an independent company since this year, strengthens itself with the renowned construction company Ing. Prath Ges.m.b.H. Nfg. KG. Rhomberg is thus growing by 24 highly qualified employees in the federal capital.
The company continues on its path towards digitalisation and the circular economy: in March, the state-of-the-art asphalt mixing plant of the associated company MIGU goes into operation, and a new, fully automated wet processing plant is built in the company's own Resource Centre. Rhomberg Bau is also strengthening its activities in the energy sector with "Rhomberg Energie".

The revitalisation of the prestigious Funkhaus in Vienna has begun: 21 new, modern flats are being built in the first construction phase. The construction specialists are also active in the home market of Vorarlberg (Schwarzen residential quarter, Alberschwende; Chalets, Furx; Posthotel Taube, Schruns), in Switzerland (Mulino Lustmühle; St.Gallen) and in southern Germany (Hünistraße development project; Friedrichshafen).
With the FlexFix wooden modular flooring and DenkMalNeo, an expert for the restoration of listed buildings, Rhomberg is expanding its portfolio as a full-service provider with specialised partners. The company's own Resource Centre Rheintal is being consistently developed into an environmental service centre.

Wood-system construction, lean-management, flexible floor plans - simply different: Rhomberg sets up the WoodRocks Bau GmbH. With the two "spots" Bud and Terence, the business ventures further into digitalisation and tests where robot dogs can provide support on construction sites. Rhomberg is once again awarded the title of "family-friendly business" and receives recertification from Ökoprofit. With the apartment configurator, customers of the construction company can now plan their apartment in advance on their home computer.

The first Coliving.Villas welcomes residents and offers them living and working in one. Construction of the Bäumlequartier starts in Lochau. The Vienna branch moves into the self-built office building on Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Strasse near the main train station. The first micro-apartment building complex DAVID is built in Roßmähder, Dornbirn. And meanwhile, Rhomberg has completely switched its working methods to RHome, the digital collaboration platform.

Rhomberg takes over the Zechwald site in Lindau and sets up its German headquarters there. In Wolfurt's Lerchenstrasse, a sensational innovation project is launched: For the first time, two largely identical residential buildings - one made of wood and one a solid construction - are built and compared. On the Rheintal autobahn, Rhomberg Bau puts the Bodensee Hörbranz GmbH service station into operation. And in Ilanz, Switzerland, the MACAU shopping world opens.

Milestones include the construction of the Serviced Apartments SMART ments business Vienna main station, the completion of the residential project Atrium Wohnen in Kempten (DE) and the housing development FLOW in Wädenswil (CH) as well as the start of the timber-housing campaign in Vorarlberg.

The company celebrates its 130-year anniversary.

Start-ups, shareholdings and acquisitions
Rhomberg Bau Germany; acquisition of shares in Sohm HolzBautechnik in Alberschwende

Merger with the Sersa Group to form the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group.

Construction of the LifeCycle Towers in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg.

New management
Hubert Rhomberg takes over the running of the business.
Expansion of the railway technology sector – on a national and international scale.
Important projects included the construction of the ballastless track on the Wolfgraben and Arlberg Tunnel lines as well as the Cologne–Frankfurt high-speed rail (ICE) route, railway technology in the Löschberg Tunnel and the Mattstetten–Rothrist new line.

Goldbeck Rhomberg GmbH is founded with the help of Walter-Heinz Rhomberg.
Hubert Rhomberg joins the company.

Major construction project on the Pfänderbahn cable car in Bregenz. Two support foundations were installed, as well as underpinning, anchoring, wall reinforcements and extensions.

1971 – 1980
Wolfurt freight terminal
Track and ballast work for the major project involving the construction of the Wolfurt freight terminal as part of a consortium.
Walter-Heinz Rhomberg becomes the sole managing director.

1970 – 1990
Significant expansion of the company
Acquisition of shares in and subsequent complete acquisition of Bahnbau Wels GmbH, founding of Express Beton GmbH & Co KG and MIGU Asphaltbau GmbH (subsidiary in Switzerland), entry into the property development business.
Important projects include the Tivoli Stadium in Innsbruck, various industrial structures and the construction of the A14 Rhine Valley motorway.

Acquisition of the Unterklien quarry in Dornbirn

Walter-Heinz Rhomberg joins the company and manages its operations from 1972 to 2002, before moving to the Executive Board of Rhomberg Holding.

1950 – 1970
The company experiences constant growth and constructs significant buildings such as the Kornmarkt Theatre, the Bregenz Festival Theatre and Kunsthaus Bregenz art museum. Entry into the railway and road construction business.

Walter Rhomberg sets a new milestone and establishes the present-day company, Rhomberg Bau.

Cornelius Rhomberg joins the company
Otto's brother Cornelius joins the company and manages it successfully until his death in 1912.

Founding of Rhomberg Baugeschäft by Otto Rhomberg in Bregenz